Daily Archives: December 11, 2009

deck the halls


I like my room to look festive for the holidays – and this year – for the first time – we have a Christmas Tree!  I finally bought one and I took it in and we all helped decorate it the Monday after Thanksgiving!  The children were super excited!  I’d never had a tree before because I didn’t have space for one near one of our two outlets (and we are not allowed to use extension cords).  However, I rearranged my room over the summer and I finally had a small table where I could place a 3 foot tree!  🙂  I really love how the tree makes the room feel more homey and brings in a little extra color and sparkle!

I have also hung silver, glass bulbs from the ceiling. To do this I tied a length of string string to a tack and tacked in into the ceiling.  The other end of the string is tied to a paper clip and I used an ornament hook to hang the bulb from the paper clip!  They look lovely hanging around the room – they reflect the light and act kinda like tiny mirrors – some of the children have noticed if they stand under one that’s hung lower they can see their reflection!  I love the looks on thier faces when they discover this fact!  🙂  We also have the children’s art hanging all around the room (stockings, Christmas trees, candy canes, etc).

The only problem I have at the moment is we don’t have a gift for our parents!  I totally let that get away from me this year and now we will only have a week to make, wrap, and send home 20 gifts and I have no idea what we are going to do!  So, as you can well imagine, I’m a bit stressed right now!  Any ideas would be helpful and much appreciated!  Thanks!